

Perfection is a mirage…

…but that is one mirage we should not stop chasing.

6 thoughts on “Perfection

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  1. There are people who indeed are perfectionist… crazy but I have met few. However, I still see personal flaw in them as much as in myself. Which goes back to the mirage you talk of…! The term imperfect perfection and perfect imperfection speaks volumes … no one is truly perfect but perfect to be who God has made them to be… we just have to make sure we don’t give up working on ourselves! Like you said, we should not stop chasing it

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  2. The first step in the trial to “reduce some of our imperfections” is to first accept the fact that we are imperfect. Some people love to bask in the misconception that they are infallible and perfect, while some others are much at ease with their imperfections. These people don’t find it necessary to change for good. They fail to realise that it is necessary to evolve with every experience. For the rest, who are in the quest for perfection, might not get even close to being perfect, as perfection is a subjective utopian concept, but atleast will end up loving and knowing themselves and the world more and be spared of a stagnant monotonous life…

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